Touch Grass is for those tired of losing time to mindless scrolling, influencer noise, and algorithm-driven feeds β€” but still want to stay connected with loved ones.

Are you ready to touch grass?


Touch Grass is for those tired of losing time to mindless scrolling, influencer noise, and algorithm-driven feeds β€” but still want to stay connected with loved ones.

Touch Grass is for those tired of losing time to mindless scrolling, influencer noise, and algorithm-driven feeds β€” but still want to stay connected with loved ones.

It’s a social network for meaningful interactions, helping you connect with real friends and inspiring individuals. For anyone seeking to rediscover their passions and engage in thoughtful, democratic discourse; free from agitation by algorithms and bots.

Set limits, restore your focus, break addictive behaviour, and reclaim time for what matters most: your goals, passions, and life beyond the screen. Break free. Touch Grass.

Keep the good

  • bigtop_updates Follow the lives of the people you care about
  • group Create circles of people to share what you want with who you want
  • share Share images or life updates and discuss real ideas with actual people
  • thumb_up Recommend posts and people yourself instead of leaving it to the algorhytm

Cut the crap

  • visibility_off No visible follower or like counts
  • timer Set daily time limits
  • vertical_align_bottom No infinite scroll
  • block No addictive design elements